Getting StartedBuilding From SourceCore ModulesDeveloping Behavior ModelsBenchmarkingAdvanced TopicsBARK-ML
Getting StartedObserversEvaluatorsEnvironmentsBARK-ML AgentsBARK-ML offers a variety of reinforcement learning agents to learn behavior policies for autonomous vehicles.
In this tutorial, a soft actor-critic agent based on the TensorFlow Agents library is used that learns to merge lanes.
First, the environment is set up where the agent should learn to behave in:
import gym
import numpy as np
# registers bark-ml environments
import bark_ml.environments.gym # pylint: disable=unused-import
# import agent and runner
from bark_ml.library_wrappers.lib_tf_agents.agents import BehaviorSACAgent
from bark_ml.library_wrappers.lib_tf_agents.runners import SACRunner
# to handle parameters
from bark.runtime.commons.parameters import ParameterServer
# load gym environment
env = gym.make("merging-v0")
However, the runtime is not used as each Agent
in BARK-ML provides a runner that runs a specified number of scenarios.
All the code that is required for learning a behavior is outlined below:
# params = ParameterServer(filename="tfa_params.json")
params = ParameterServer()
sac_agent = BehaviorSACAgent(environment=env,
env.ml_behavior = sac_agent
# runner either trains, evaluates or visualized the agent
runner = SACRunner(params=params,
All that remains is to first train and then visualize the BehaviorSACAgent
runner.Run(num_episodes=50, render=True)
BARK-ML provides several state-of-the-art agents ranging from the proximal policy optimization (PPO) to the soft actor-critic (SAC) algorithms.